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Planning Services for Aquinnah Town Center Corridor
Aquinnah, Massachusetts
Town of Aquinnah
Buyer seeks professional planning services for developing long-term strategies for the Town Center State Road Corridor. The project involves public engagement, site analysis, and overlay district development. Buyer aims to create affordable housing, light commercial opportunities, and increased community activity. The consultant will facilitate public input, design strategies, and craft regulations for a Town Center Corridor Overlay District.
- 2/4/2025 - Pre-Response virtual session
- 2/6/2025 - Deadline for questions
- 2/26/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- 3/4/2025 - Select Board approval
- 3/6/2025 - Award and Notice to Proceed
- 4/2/2025 - Contract completed & signed
- Minimum of ten years experience in town planning and zoning analysis
- Experience working with seasonal communities
- Advantage given to consultants with experience working with Vineyard communities
- Facilitate public process for State Road corridor planning
- Implement site mapping and analysis of Town Center area
- Design strategies for town development over next 25-30 years
- Formulate strategies for decisions at May 2026 town meeting
- Craft regulations for Town Center Corridor Overlay District
- Conduct minimum of three community planning public meetings
- Analyze existing bylaws and recommend changes
- Consider strategies for Community Housing goals
- Update Aquinnah Housing Production Plan
- Draft bylaw recommendations for proposed overlay district
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