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Master Plan Update

Florence, Colorado

City of Florence

Buyer seeks a qualified consultant to lead and prepare a comprehensive Master Plan update for mid-late 2025. The project involves community outreach, data collection and analysis, and development of actionable recommendations. The consultant will create a streamlined summary document focused on critical issues facing the city. The updated Master Plan should be presented in printed form, web format, and as a downloadable PDF.

  • 2/13/2025 - Deadline for Submitting Questions
  • 2/27/2025 - Proposal Due Date
  • 10/31/2025 - Project Completion
Refer to RFP
  • Develop a Community Outreach Plan and facilitate public engagement events
  • Review existing master plan and develop new vision statement
  • Collect and analyze updated demographic, economic, and infrastructure data
  • Conduct comprehensive analysis of existing conditions, strengths, and weaknesses
  • Recommend implementation strategies and timeline for achieving goals
  • Prepare interim and final draft plans with graphics and visuals
  • Deliver printed and digital copies of Master Plan Update documents
  • Attend meetings with project team, working groups, and Planning Commission
  • Incorporate public input and revisions into final Master Plan Update
  • Present final Master Plan Update at public hearing for adoption

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