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Comprehensive Plan Update
City of Arcadia
The buyer is seeking a qualified professional planning consultant to update their Comprehensive Plan. The consultant will create an action-oriented and implementable plan that guides the city's decision-making and development. The plan must include community engagement, address specific elements required by law, and provide a practical implementation strategy. The buyer expects a user-friendly document that reflects community desires and provides actionable items for city staff.
- 2/10/2025 - Deadline to Submit Questions
- 2/14/2025 - Response to Questions Posted
- 2/28/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- 3/14/2025 - Finalist Interviews/Presentations
- 4/5/2025 - Project Contract Finalized
- Update the Comprehensive Plan to reflect community desires and provide implementable action items
- Conduct community outreach and engagement to gain input and feedback
- Develop an Implementation Plan with timetables for accomplishing goals
- Create web and social media-compatible updates for public dissemination
- Analyze and incorporate existing city information and studies
- Address conservation and sustainability needs in the plan
- Consider possibilities for indoor recreational opportunities and public/private partnerships
- Develop a Comprehensive Historic Preservation Plan
- Create a user-friendly and web-friendly document format
- Attend and present at adoption process meetings
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