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Engineering Services for Infrastructure Project
City of Houston
The buyer seeks engineering services for an infrastructure project potentially funded by HUD Community Development Block Grant. The project includes preparing a preliminary cost estimate and engineering report for the application. If awarded, the engineer will be responsible for all engineering services through project closeout, including plan preparation, bid assistance, and construction inspection. The buyer encourages proposals from Minority and Woman owned Business Enterprises and Section 3 eligible businesses.
- 2/11/2025 - First Publication Date
- 2/18/2025 - Second Publication Date
- 2/28/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- Prepare preliminary cost estimate and engineering report
- Prepare plans and specifications
- Distribute bid documents
- Assist in bid opening and prepare bid tabulation
- Assist in execution of construction contracts
- Hold preconstruction conference
- Perform construction inspection and approve payment requests
- Ensure compliance with federal, state, and local laws
- Prepare application for HUD Community Development Block Grant
- Provide project closeout services
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