This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Wilton Pedestrian Infrastructure and Property Study
Hartford, Connecticut
Department of Economic and Community Development
The buyer seeks proposals for a study of pedestrian infrastructure options in Wilton, CT. The study will assess connectivity between Route 7, residential neighborhoods, and the Norwalk River Valley Trail. Key components include economic, environmental, and regulatory analysis. The buyer requires a consulting entity to oversee the project, conduct public outreach, and produce a comprehensive report with recommendations.
- 1/21/2025 - RFP Released
- 1/31/2025 - RFP Informational Conference
- 2/7/2025 - Deadline for Questions
- 2/11/2025 - Responses to Questions
- 2/28/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- Professional services/consulting entity with experience in similar work
- Experience in economic, environmental, and pedestrian infrastructure
- Capability to select subject matter experts
- Experience overseeing work and producing reports
- Select consultants and subject matter experts through RFQ process
- Oversee analysis of pedestrian infrastructure options
- Produce report on infrastructure recommendations
- Conduct community outreach and public meetings
- Analyze economic, environmental, and regulatory factors
- Identify optimal pedestrian/bicycle route along Route 7
- Assess connectivity to neighborhoods and Norwalk River Valley Trail
- Perform cost-benefit analysis of infrastructure options
- Present findings to state agencies and project partners
- Provide all data and information collected to the Department
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