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Consulting Services in Support of Resilience Projects

Wayne County, Michigan

Downriver Community Conference

The buyer is seeking consulting services to support resilience projects along waterways in downriver communities. The project aims to assess critical resilience needs, identify mitigation solutions, and develop implementation frameworks. The buyer intends to position participating cities for future funding opportunities and build capacity for project advancement. The consultant will provide technical services including data analysis, concept development, and project prioritization.

  • 2/14/2025 - Deadline for submitting questions
  • 2/28/2025 - Proposal Due Date
  • 3/14/2025 - Anticipated date to execute contract
Refer to RFP
  • Review existing plans and inventory planning efforts
  • Compile and create spatial datasets for informed decision making
  • Develop concepts for resilient solutions
  • Design/engineering/construction of resilience projects
  • Develop criteria for prioritizing resilience projects
  • Develop resiliency project implementation frameworks
  • Provide coaching assistance for grant funding competition
  • Prepare briefing documents highlighting projects and outcomes
  • Participate in stakeholder outreach and consultation
  • Assist in developing Economic and Resilience Strategy Plan

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