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Architectural Services for Erie County Commercial Center Improvement Program
Buffalo, New York
Erie County Department of Environment and Planning
The buyer is seeking architectural services for the Commercial Center Improvement Program. The program aims to financially assist owners of commercial properties in retail centers and hamlets to improve exterior appearances. The buyer will retain an architectural firm on an as-needed basis for specific façade improvements proposed by municipalities. The engagement will extend approximately five years from the date of contract execution.
- 2/19/2025 - Information Meeting
- 2/19/2025 - Request for Clarification Deadline
- 2/28/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- 3/11/2025 - Selection Made
Refer to RFP
- Conduct pre-design meetings with building owners
- Prepare draft photographic design renderings and work write-ups
- Prepare final photographic design renderings and work write-ups
- Handle New York State Historic Preservation Office referrals as needed
- Coordinate ongoing with Erie County staff on program status and issues
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