This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Strategic Communications Services

Kansas City, Kansas

Kc Board Of Public Utilities

The buyer seeks proposals from qualified firms to provide ongoing strategic communications services and executive presentation, media, and communications training. The selected firm will collaborate with buyer leadership to enhance communication strategies, develop effective materials, and provide high-quality training. The goal is to ensure effective stakeholder engagement and positive public perception. The buyer is a municipal utility serving the Kansas City community by providing water and electric services.

  • 2/28/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Develop comprehensive communication plans
  • Execute communication strategies
  • Produce high-quality communication materials
  • Provide executive-level media training
  • Conduct public appearance training
  • Enhance stakeholder engagement strategies
  • Collaborate with BPU leadership on communication initiatives
  • Improve public perception of BPU
  • Develop effective presentation materials
  • Provide ongoing strategic communications services

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