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Consulting Services for Division of Social Services
Delaware Department of Health and Social Services
The buyer seeks to establish a pool of experienced vendors for consulting services related to its administered programs and services. The buyer intends to award contracts to multiple vendors based on their organizational strengths. Vendors may specialize in one or multiple service areas, including behavioral health, case management, community services, and professional services. The buyer offers various programs and benefits to Delaware citizens and clients.
- 1/17/2025 - Questions Due Date
- 1/24/2025 - Non-Mandatory Pre-bid Meeting
- 2/7/2025 - Response to Questions
- 3/7/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- 4/4/2025 - Estimated Notification of Award
- Provide behavioral health and clinical services consulting
- Develop case management services and training
- Offer career and technical education consulting
- Provide community consulting services and resources
- Deliver emergency and crisis services consulting
- Conduct program evaluations and needs assessments
- Perform performance and organizational assessments
- Offer professional services (legal, audit, compliance, recruitment, grant writing)
- Manage programs and projects
- Provide public policy and research consulting
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