This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Internal Audit Services
Golden, CO
Colorado School of Mines
The buyer is seeking qualified firms to provide best-in-class internal audit services. The buyer wants to complement its current continuous monitoring/data analytics and ERM platform with an external partner. The services should implement a progressive internal audit model that encompasses compliance, assurance, performance improvements, and risk identification. The buyer expects the selected firm to work closely with its finance team and other stakeholders.
- 2/14/2025 - Offeror Written Inquiry Deadline
- 3/10/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- 3/25/2025 - Presentations/Demonstrations
- Have a place of business in Greater Denver Metro area
- Demonstrated experience with higher education internal auditing
- Demonstrated experience with cyber security and technical audits
- Ability to perform detailed analytics of security, workflow, and electronic processes
- Provide internal audit services in co-sourcing or outsourcing arrangement
- Implement progressive internal audit model encompassing compliance, assurance, and risk identification
- Conduct accounting and financial review and internal controls
- Review information technology systems for compliance and security
- Assess university-wide risk assessment program
- Develop and execute Audit Plan and Reporting Plan
- Perform cyber security and technical audits
- Conduct fraud risk assessment
- Identify emerging risks in higher education
- Provide regular meetings with Mines Finance Team and other stakeholders
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