This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Main Street and Miramonte Boulevard Traffic Signal Project
Broomfield, Colorado
City and County of Broomfield
The buyer desires to add a traffic signal at the intersection of Main Street and Miramonte Boulevard. The project includes designing the signal, tie-ins to the existing fiber optic network, street lighting updates, and required signage/striping. The intersection is adjacent to Broomfield High School and meets peak hour traffic signal warrants. The design must include ADA compliant ramps and any other required installations.
- 3/3/2025 - Questions Deadline
- 3/11/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- 4/28/2025 - Anticipated Project Award
- 5/5/2025 - Notice to Proceed
- 10/3/2025 - Anticipated Completion
Refer to RFP
- Prepare boundary/topographic survey mapping
- Determine subsurface utility engineering requirements
- Prepare concept plans, 30%, 90%, and bid set designs
- Develop pavement sections and subgrade treatment recommendations
- Include landscape and irrigation design/restoration
- Provide construction administration services
- Prepare engineer's estimate of probable cost
- Design traffic signal and tie-ins to existing fiber optic network
- Update street lighting and required signage/striping
- Design ADA compliant ramps
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