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Professional Consulting Services for Improvements to Raise Lake Massabesic Spill Elevation by 1-Foot

Manchester, NH

Manchester Water Works

Buyer is seeking proposals for professional engineering services to design and prepare construction documents to raise the Lake Massabesic spill elevation by 1-foot. The project includes modifying the dam, spillway, dikes and appurtenant structures. Key tasks involve surveys, evaluations, analyses, design work, permitting, and construction phase services. The goal is to increase water storage capacity by about 1 billion gallons for municipal water supply.

  • 3/13/2025 - Proposal Due Date
  • Licensed to provide professional engineering services in New Hampshire
  • Evidence of designing and constructing at least 5 dam evaluation/improvement projects in last 10 years
  • Project Manager and key staff located within 75 miles of Manchester, NH
  • Maintain required insurance coverage
  • Perform topographic surveys and wetlands delineation
  • Evaluate septic systems and culverts
  • Conduct CLOMAR/LOMAR analysis and filing
  • Research riparian/flowage rights
  • Update Emergency Action Plan
  • Design improvements to dam, spillway, dikes and appurtenant structures
  • Prepare construction/bid documents
  • Provide bidding assistance
  • Perform construction administration and resident engineering

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