This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Cost Allocation Services

Fremont, CA

City of Fremont

The buyer is requesting proposals for Cost Allocation Services. The services include developing an Overhead Cost Allocation Model to produce two annual cost allocation plans: a Citywide Cost Allocation Plan and a Grant Cost Allocation Plan. The model should be updateable, fully documented, and compliant with federal requirements. The buyer may require assistance addressing questions from stakeholders.

  • 2/28/2025 - Questions Due
  • 3/14/2025 - Proposal Due Date
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  • Develop an Overhead Cost Allocation Model
  • Produce a Citywide Cost Allocation Plan
  • Produce a Grant Cost Allocation Plan
  • Ensure compliance with Uniform Guidance
  • Provide a fully documented and transparent model
  • Assist with addressing questions from staff, public, and grantors

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