This RFP is currently open for proposals.
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Accounting Services
Concord, NH
New Hampshire Department of Education
The buyer seeks an accounting firm to serve as a consultant for revising and updating New Hampshire's Accounting Handbook and account code classification system. The project involves providing technical expertise, attending focus group meetings, and contributing to the handbook revision. The contract will be for one year with a possible one-year extension. The consultant will work remotely with some on-site meetings as needed.
- 2/24/2025 - Vendor Inquiry Period Ends
- 3/3/2025 - Final Agency Responses to Inquiries
- 3/17/2025 - Proposal Due Date
- 3/31/2025 - Estimated Notification of Selection
Refer to RFP
- Serve as technical advisor for accounting topics
- Provide guidance on changes to account code classification system
- Attend focus group meetings to provide technical expertise
- Review and contribute to Accounting Handbook revision
- Write certain sections of the Accounting Handbook
- Provide overall approval of final published Accounting Handbook
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