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Development Process Guide Consulting Services

$50,000 CAD

City of Whitehorse

The buyer seeks a consultant to create a comprehensive Development Process Guide. This guide will consolidate information on the city's development process into a user-friendly format, aiming to streamline procedures and reduce uncertainty for applicants. The consultant will review existing documents, identify gaps, and develop clear, visual materials to explain the development process from initial land assessment to building occupancy. The project requires expertise in planning, graphic design, and municipal processes to produce an accessible guide that enhances transparency and efficiency.

  • 3/30/2025 - Proposal Due Date
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  • Review existing documents related to City's development process
  • Conduct jurisdictional scan of best practices in other municipalities
  • Identify gaps in current information and recommend improvements
  • Create comprehensive Development Process Guide
  • Design infographics and flowcharts to illustrate development process
  • Develop templates and user-friendly checklists
  • Create content for website to house development process guide information
  • Conduct interviews with relevant staff to gather detailed information
  • Summarize steps, review/approval process for various development activities
  • Outline expectations and timelines for required reports and applications

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