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Technical Assistance to Brownfields Communities (TAB) Partner

Manhattan, Kansas

Kansas State University

Buyer seeks qualified contractors to provide technical assistance to brownfields communities. The work involves capacity building, outreach programming, site-specific support, and outcomes evaluation for urban, rural and tribal communities. Buyer will assist with implementing multiple Technical Assistance to Brownfields Communities grant awards, focusing on communities with high economic, social and health impact needs. Services will be provided in EPA regions 5, 6, 7, 8, nationally, and tribally.

  • 12/3/2024 - Date Posted
  • 4/30/2025 - Proposal Due Date
  • Demonstrated expertise in brownfields redevelopment technical topics
  • Experience providing technical assistance in multidisciplinary teams
  • Experience with EPA and state Brownfields programs
  • Demonstrated eligibility to conduct business in applicable region
  • Demonstrated financial stability
  • Compliance with applicable health, safety, labor and environmental regulations
  • Provide capacity building & e-tools for brownfields communities
  • Conduct outreach programming like workshops, webinars, and on-demand training
  • Offer one-on-one site-specific support to communities
  • Perform participatory outcomes evaluation
  • Assist urban, rural and tribal communities with brownfields redevelopment
  • Help communities identify, prioritize, and assess brownfields sites
  • Provide guidance on brownfields cleanup and economic redevelopment
  • Develop and maintain web-based tools and resources
  • Facilitate connections between communities and brownfields experts
  • Evaluate program performance and community progress

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