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Consulting Services for Assessment of Community College Collaboration to Provide Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Training


Alamance Community College

The buyer seeks a consultant to assess workforce training needs and collaboration potential among three community colleges to support advanced manufacturing growth in North Carolina's Triad region. The project involves analyzing industry needs, evaluating college capabilities, and recommending a new shared training facility and governance model. The consultant must deliver a comprehensive report and presentation to guide the colleges' workforce development strategy through 2036.

  • 6/30/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Conduct comprehensive analysis of current and projected advanced manufacturing workforce needs
  • Create detailed catalog of positions and skills needed by industry with gap analysis
  • Analyze resources and capabilities of three community colleges
  • Identify potential sites for centralized collaborative training facility
  • Assess potential and ROI of a Triad East Center for Advanced Technology
  • Propose cooperative governance structure for TECAT with industry input process
  • Deliver comprehensive written report with data, methodologies, and recommendations
  • Present findings to leadership of three community colleges
  • Provide transition assistance for up to 3 months if contract not renewed
  • Submit monthly status reports on project progress

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