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Grant Writing and Technical Assistance Services
Santa Fe, NM
North Central New Mexico Economic Development District
The buyer is seeking grant writers and technical assistance providers. Services include developing and submitting grant applications, particularly for infrastructure and economic development opportunities. The buyer also requires technical assistance for public projects, including project management and grant administration. The scope covers regional and local projects for various entities in North Central New Mexico.
- 7/1/2024 - RFQ Posted
- 6/30/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
- Identify grant opportunities aligning with NCNMEDD priorities
- Write grant applications for various funding sources
- Develop project budgets for grant opportunities
- Create timelines, project plans, and infographics for applications
- Ensure timely submission of grants on
- Provide grant administration and management services
- Offer project administration and management assistance
- Develop metrics and performance measures for initiatives
- Provide subject matter expertise in strategic planning
- Support public projects with technical assistance
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