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Business Market Analysis Attraction and Retention Strategy


Town of Whitecourt

The buyer seeks a comprehensive market analysis to drive economic growth in Whitecourt. The project demands a deep dive into the local business landscape, identifying opportunities and gaps. The consultant will craft strategies for business attraction and retention, with a special focus on agriculture. Three tailored business cases will be developed to entice entrepreneurs. This ambitious undertaking aims to transform Whitecourt's economic future.

  • 8/1/2025 - Proposal Due Date
  • Experience with similar projects
  • Business development, attraction, and retention knowledge
  • Access to market research data
  • Experience working with businesses and consumers
  • Conduct comprehensive market analysis of local business environment
  • Identify consumer spending, service leakage, and market gaps
  • Develop business retention, expansion and attraction strategies
  • Highlight detailed findings on agriculture sector opportunities
  • Develop 3 marketable business cases for attracting/expanding products and services
  • Create situational analysis and economic snapshot of Whitecourt
  • Update business and industry database of employers
  • Gather information on agricultural sector challenges and opportunities
  • Perform economic gap analysis on consumer spending leakage
  • Provide recommendations for business development opportunities

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