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Drupal Web Development and O&M Services

Washington, DC

United States Department of Agriculture

The buyer seeks Drupal web development and operations & maintenance services for its Enterprise Web Application Platform and Services. The project includes website development, content migration, theming, and responsive design. The buyer requires support for platform operations, user interface design, search engine optimization, usability testing, and 508 compliance. The contractor will also provide DevOps, system administration, and project management services.

  • 10/18/2025 - Proposal Due Date
Refer to RFP
  • Develop and maintain Drupal websites
  • Provide platform operations and maintenance
  • Implement user interface and user experience design
  • Perform search engine optimization and business analytics
  • Conduct usability testing
  • Ensure 508 compliance
  • Provide DevOps and system administration support
  • Manage information architecture and content
  • Deliver project management services
  • Offer business and service management

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