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Clean Energy RFPs

Proposal Due



Request for Information on Enhancing Coordination of the Lab Embedded Entrepreneurship Program

U.S. Department of Energy Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy

The buyer seeks input on enhancing the Lab Embedded Entrepreneurship Program (LEEP) to increase its reach, impact, and efficiency. They aim to centralize some operations while maintaining local strengths. The buyer wants to support more entrepreneurs, improve diversity, and strengthen connections across the clean energy innovation ecosystem. This RFI will inform strategic decisions about LEEP's future structure and operations.

Proposal Due


Ann Arbor, Michigan

Sustainable Energy Utility Consulting

City of Ann Arbor

Buyer seeks consulting services for the potential creation of a Sustainable Energy Utility (SEU). The project involves exploratory and executory phases, covering operational, economic, technical, and engagement tasks. Buyer aims to transition to 100% renewable energy and achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. The consultant will assist in preparing for a public vote and, if authorized, support the launch and initial operations of the SEU.

Proposal Due



Market Development Support for Clean and Resilient Buildings and Large-Scale Thermal

New York State Energy Research and Development Authority

The buyer seeks qualified firms to provide technical, supply chain, project and program design support for clean and resilient buildings and large-scale thermal market development initiatives. Services are needed in four key categories: supply chain support, project design and development, program design and technical support, and data collection and analysis. The goal is to help achieve aggressive energy and emission-reduction goals by 2030 in alignment with New York's Climate Act.

Proposal Due



Outreach and Technical Assistance for the Chesapeake Conservation and Climate Corps Program

Chesapeake Bay Trust

The buyer seeks a contractor to boost engagement in its Conservation Corps program. The contractor will identify and support young adults from underrepresented communities to apply. They'll provide outreach, application assistance, and guidance through the matching process. The goal is to create career opportunities in environmental fields for a diverse group of emerging professionals.

Proposal Due



Renewable Energy Consultants for the Universities of Wisconsin

Universities of Wisconsin System Administration

The buyer seeks consultants to provide expertise on clean energy development and procurement. They aim to meet ambitious carbon reduction and clean electricity goals across their 13 university campuses. The buyer wants guidance on large-scale renewable energy acquisitions, on-site installations, and innovative procurement strategies. Consultants will help evaluate opportunities, conduct financial analysis, and engage stakeholders to build a clean energy portfolio aligned with institutional and state objectives.

Proposal Due



Carbon Emission Study

Huron-Clinton Metropolitan Authority

The buyer seeks a consultant to develop a comprehensive carbon measurement report establishing baseline data on carbon storage and greenhouse gas emissions across its 13-park system. The study will analyze natural resources, facilities, fleet, and equipment. The consultant will quantify current usage, assess carbon storage potential, and provide recommendations for emissions reduction. The project aims to support the buyer's Climate Action Plan goals.

Proposal Due



Climate Action Plan Consulting Services

Town of Easton

The buyer seeks a consultant to develop a comprehensive Climate Action Plan. The selected firm will conduct a greenhouse gas inventory, audit existing policies, and recommend prioritized strategies to reduce emissions across sectors. A robust public engagement process is required throughout. The consultant must balance ambitious climate goals with economic impacts, proposing measurable outcomes to track progress. Innovative thinking and experience with similar communities are prized in crafting an actionable roadmap for Easton's sustainable future.