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Economic Consulting RFPs
Proposal Due
Santa Fe County Regional Affordable Housing Investment and Implementation Strategy
Santa Fe County Housing Authority
The buyer seeks proposals for a regional affordable housing investment and implementation strategy. The strategy will address critical housing issues impacting local governments, stakeholders, and economic sectors. It aims to guide the buyer in making informed policy decisions on financial investments in housing projects, programs, and initiatives. The consultant will develop a plan including housing priorities, funding strategies, and implementation processes.
Proposal Due
Professional Consulting Services for the Preparation of an Updated Heritage Tourism Master Plan
County of Passaic
The buyer seeks to update its Heritage Tourism Master Plan to reflect changes since 2013. Consultants will analyze the county's historic and cultural assets, research tourism trends and impacts, and develop new strategies to boost visitation. The project aims to provide a roadmap for growing Passaic County's tourism economy over the next five years. Recommendations will cover marketing, infrastructure, partnerships, and programming to position the county as a premier heritage tourism destination.
Proposal Due
Economic Development Strategic Plan
Stafford County
The buyer seeks to update its Economic Development Strategic Plan. The project involves reviewing the current plan, incorporating best practices, and creating new strategies for economic growth. The buyer requires a comprehensive approach that includes stakeholder engagement, incentive package suggestions, and implementation tracking. The final plan will be presented to the Board of Supervisors and communicated to the public.
Proposal Due
Five-Year Consolidated Plan - One-Year Action Plan and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing
City of Carson
The buyer seeks proposals for professional assistance in preparing a Five-Year Consolidated Plan, One-Year Annual Action Plan, and Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing. The project aims to advance economic growth and community revitalization. The scope includes analyzing housing market needs, developing targeted area implementation plans, and establishing economic development areas. The buyer intends to use the resulting document to direct CDBG fund expenditures and present a comprehensive five-year community development plan.
Proposal Due
Economic Development Consulting Services
Invest Atlanta
Buyer seeks to develop a comprehensive economic development strategy for Atlanta focused on economic mobility and inclusivity. The strategy should enhance economic competitiveness, advance economic mobility, optimize collaboration with stakeholders, and improve economic development tools. Buyer requires a metrics-driven implementation plan that aligns with existing city initiatives and the Mayor's agenda.
Proposal Due
2025 Comprehensive Plan Update
City of Post Falls
The buyer is seeking a qualified urban planning consultant to update its Comprehensive Plan. The project aims to reevaluate goals, policies, and future land use map based on community input. The consultant will integrate findings from a Housing Needs Assessment and Fiscal Impact Analysis. The project involves public engagement, revising current plans, and creating GIS maps. The buyer requires a collaborative approach with regular draft submissions for review.
Proposal Due
Job Readiness Workshops and WIOA Local and Regional Contractor Services
County of Monterey
Buyer seeks qualified contractors to provide job readiness training and WIOA local and regional contractor services. Services include in-person and online workshops, policy development, compliance monitoring, research, strategic planning, staff training, program evaluation, and administrative support. Buyer aims to create a Regional Contractor List for potential future contracts. The project focuses on enhancing workforce development services in the North Central Coast Region.
Proposal Due
Strategic Economic Development Plan
Development Authority of DeKalb County
The buyer is seeking a consultant to create a 5-year update for their 2019 Strategic Economic Development Plan. The plan will align with the Intergovernmental Agreement between Decide DeKalb and DeKalb County. The consultant will review existing documents, gather public input, analyze data, and create a strategic action plan. The project includes a focus on equitable economic development and attracting businesses to the county.
Proposal Due
Economic Analysis and Impact Study of Phasing Out Transient Vacation Rental Use in Apartment-Zoned Districts
County of Maui Office of Council Services
Buyer seeks an economic analysis and impact study on phasing out transient vacation rental use in apartment-zoned districts. The study will examine impacts on housing supply, costs, tax revenue, and the overall economy. It will include data compilation, analysis of various impacts, and policy recommendations. The final deliverable will contain gathered information, analysis, and proposed policies to assist the Council in decision-making.
Proposal Due
Consultant Services for Comprehensive Plan Update
City of Waynesboro
Buyer seeks consultant to update city's comprehensive plan to guide growth and development for next 20 years. Consultant will review existing plans, analyze demographics, engage community stakeholders, and develop new plan with updated land use map, housing plan, and transportation plan. Project requires close collaboration with city officials and staff. Final deliverable includes printed plan and user-friendly website.
Proposal Due
Economic Development Strategic Planning Services and On-Call Economic Development Services
City of Chula Vista
The buyer is seeking proposals for Economic Development Strategic Planning Services and On-Call Economic Development Services. The primary focus is to develop a strategic plan with a five-to-seven-year outlook and an action plan for immediate implementation. The buyer also aims to establish a pool of on-call consultants for various economic development services. The selected consultants will assist with strategic planning, stakeholder outreach, situational assessments, and special projects related to economic development.
Proposal Due
Town of Belmont Comprehensive Plan
Town of Belmont
The buyer is seeking proposals to develop a comprehensive plan for the town. The plan will cover various aspects including land use, transportation, housing, economic development, and sustainability. The buyer emphasizes the importance of community engagement, equity, and inclusion throughout the planning process. The project is expected to take approximately 20 months to complete.
Proposal Due
Central Business District Business Attraction Strategy
Village of Romeo
Buyer seeks to develop and implement a comprehensive attraction strategy to spur economic development and promote local businesses. The project aims to improve navigation, enhance identity, and boost the overall visitor experience in the Central Business District. Buyer requires a consultant to conduct site analysis, develop strategies, engage stakeholders, and provide recommendations for wayfinding improvements and signage design. The project will focus on creating a welcoming environment that promotes local businesses and reflects the area's historical significance.
Proposal Due
Municipal Sewer Expansion Cost Study
Town of Moultonborough
The buyer seeks proposals for a comprehensive study on expanding their municipal sewer system. The study aims to evaluate feasibility, costs, and impacts of extending the sewer network. It includes assessing technical aspects, estimating construction and maintenance costs, analyzing community impact, and proposing operational frameworks. The project focuses on improving water resource management and supporting sustainable development in the area.
Proposal Due
Economic Development Grants
Office of Economic and Workforce Development
Buyer seeks proposals for comprehensive daily safety presence in Union Square and Yerba Buena neighborhoods. The program aims to support ongoing safety ambassador work and enhance the safety environment for visitors, businesses, and public spaces. Buyer will award grants to create and implement a HEART Corridor Safety Plan for each area, coordinating with existing city services and stakeholders. The program focuses on providing both direct safety activities and indirect community engagement efforts.
Proposal Due
Lee County Strategic Plan - CDBG-DR
Lee County Board of County Commissioners
Buyer seeks to develop a strategic plan for Community Development Block Grant - Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funds. The project requires compliance with federal regulations and HUD requirements. Buyer aims to identify priority projects, create implementation plans, and ensure proper administration of disaster recovery funds. The strategic plan will guide the county's use of CDBG-DR funding for effective disaster recovery efforts.
Proposal Due
City of Franklin Preservation Plan Update
City of Franklin
The buyer seeks to comprehensively update its Preservation Plan through a public planning process. The project requires extensive preservation plan experience, specialized expertise, project management, public outreach, and meeting facilitation. The buyer aims to hire a nationally renowned consultant with a project completion timeframe of 1.5 to 2 years. The updated plan will cover a broad spectrum of preservation priorities and strategies, inclusive of Civil War and Battlefield-related preservation efforts.
Proposal Due
Comprehensive Plan Update for Franklin County, Kansas
Franklin County, Kansas
The buyer seeks proposals for updating their comprehensive plan. The project involves collaborating with local authorities and the public to create a strategic growth plan. The consultant will analyze demographic trends, land use patterns, and economic opportunities. The plan must address agricultural preservation, development along I-35, and future infrastructure needs.
Proposal Due
Active Transportation Plan Update
City of Thousand Oaks
The buyer seeks a qualified consultant to update their Active Transportation Plan. The project involves reviewing existing conditions, analyzing needs, conducting public outreach, and recommending improvements for bicycle, pedestrian, and transit facilities. The consultant will prepare an administrative draft, conduct CEQA review, and present the final plan to the City Council. The updated plan will guide multimodal project development to meet community needs.
Proposal Due
Plan Baton Rouge III Downtown Master Plan
Baton Rouge Area Foundation
Buyer seeks to develop a new downtown master plan for Baton Rouge called Plan Baton Rouge III. The plan will guide comprehensive growth and investment over the next decade. It aims to build on downtown's strengths, particularly the riverfront, and recommend strategies for reconnecting assets, attracting housing developments, and leveraging planned developments. The buyer wants visionary ideas and a framework with effective implementation strategies.
Proposal Due
Tribal Tourism Grant Program (TTGP) Solicitation of Proposals
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Buyer seeks proposals for tribal tourism implementation projects to support economic development in Native American communities. Projects should showcase tribal culture, increase tourism, and build local entrepreneurial capacity. Grants will fund 24-month projects with budgets between $75,000-$150,000. Applicants must be federally recognized tribes or tribal organizations and provide completed planning documentation.
Proposal Due
Feasibility & Economic Impact Study - The Need for Speed
Tooele County
The buyer seeks to establish Tooele County as a premier destination for speed enthusiasts. They aim to leverage existing venues like Utah Motorsports Campus and Bonneville Salt Flats to draw visitors. The study will assess the feasibility and economic impact of marketing the county's speed-related attractions. The buyer wants to develop a unique value proposition to stand out in the competitive tourism market and increase visitation.
Proposal Due
Development Process Guide Consulting Services
City of Whitehorse
The buyer seeks a consultant to create a comprehensive Development Process Guide. This guide will consolidate information on the city's development process into a user-friendly format, aiming to streamline procedures and reduce uncertainty for applicants. The consultant will review existing documents, identify gaps, and develop clear, visual materials to explain the development process from initial land assessment to building occupancy. The project requires expertise in planning, graphic design, and municipal processes to produce an accessible guide that enhances transparency and efficiency.
Proposal Due
Grant Writing and Technical Assistance Services
North Central New Mexico Economic Development District
The buyer is on a quest for grant-writing wizards and technical assistance gurus. They're casting a wide net, hoping to snag experts who can navigate the labyrinth of federal funding opportunities. The mission: to secure financial treasure for an eclectic mix of projects across north central New Mexico. From infrastructure to inflation reduction, the buyer wants it all. They're not just looking for paper pushers; they want strategic thinkers who can turn government jargon into golden opportunities for local communities.
Proposal Due
Consulting Services for Assessment of Community College Collaboration to Provide Advanced Manufacturing Workforce Training
Alamance Community College
The buyer seeks a consultant to assess workforce training needs and collaboration potential among three community colleges to support advanced manufacturing growth in North Carolina's Triad region. The project involves analyzing industry needs, evaluating college capabilities, and recommending a new shared training facility and governance model. The consultant must deliver a comprehensive report and presentation to guide the colleges' workforce development strategy through 2036.
Proposal Due
Business Market Analysis Attraction and Retention Strategy
Town of Whitecourt
The buyer seeks a comprehensive market analysis to drive economic growth in Whitecourt. The project demands a deep dive into the local business landscape, identifying opportunities and gaps. The consultant will craft strategies for business attraction and retention, with a special focus on agriculture. Three tailored business cases will be developed to entice entrepreneurs. This ambitious undertaking aims to transform Whitecourt's economic future.
Proposal Due
Colorado Parks and Wildlife Strategic Plan Development
Colorado Department of Natural Resources
Buyer seeks a consultant to develop a new Strategic Plan for Colorado Parks and Wildlife through a comprehensive planning process. The consultant will facilitate internal and external engagement, including public meetings across the state. The project involves evaluating feedback, drafting goals and strategies, and presenting to leadership. Buyer aims to increase public trust and improve service through this updated 10-20 year strategic plan.
Proposal Due
Beehive Emission Reduction Plan Comprehensive Plan and Status Report
Utah Department of Environmental Quality
The buyer seeks a contractor to develop a comprehensive climate action plan and status report for Utah. The project involves creating detailed GHG inventories, projections, and reduction targets. The contractor must analyze benefits, funding sources, and workforce needs. Extensive stakeholder engagement and regular coordination with state officials are required. The multi-year project culminates in July 2027 with firm deadlines for major deliverables.