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Infrastructure RFPs


Proposal Due


$81,354 for program delivery, additional soft costs from $525,800 Housing Rehabilitation budget
Geneva, New York

Program Delivery Services for Community Development Block Grant

City of Geneva

The buyer is seeking program delivery services for a $638,444 Community Development Block Grant to rehabilitate seven owner-occupied substandard homes. The consultant will assist in implementing the project in compliance with HUD and NYS Office of Community Renewal guidelines. Services include program design, environmental reviews, construction oversight, and compliance monitoring. The project aims to improve housing conditions city-wide.

Proposal Due


New York, NY

Inspection Services at Asphalt and Concrete Plants Citywide

New York City Department of Transportation

The buyer seeks inspection services at asphalt and concrete plants citywide, including the immediate vicinity. Services include inspection at Portland cement concrete plants, bituminous concrete plants, and mobile mixture plants. The work will be in accordance with New York State Department of Transportation procedures and NYCDOT protocols. The contract term is 1095 consecutive calendar days.

Proposal Due


Honolulu, Hawaii

Climate Adaptation Pathways for Critical Infrastructure

City and County of Honolulu

The buyer seeks to develop near-, mid-, and long-term adaptation actions or 'adaptation pathways' for high-priority critical infrastructure assets. The project aims to address impacts from sea level rise and flooding on City infrastructure. The contractor will create at least four adaptation pathways for different types of City infrastructure for multiple sea level rise scenarios. The project includes stakeholder engagement, cost analysis, and implementation support.

Proposal Due


Richmond, VA

Limited Repairs for Tyler Parking Deck - P08

Virginia Department of General Services

The buyer seeks a contractor to perform limited structural repairs on the Tyler Parking Deck in Richmond, VA. The work includes concrete repairs, sealant replacement, coating application, and traffic membrane installation. The contractor must coordinate phased work to allow continued use of the parking deck during construction. The project requires experience with large concrete parking structure repairs and specific qualifications for key personnel.

Proposal Due


Sonora, CA

Groveland Community Connectivity Project RFP Design Services

Tuolumne County Public Works Department

The buyer is seeking proposals for professional design services for the Groveland Community Connectivity Project. The project aims to enhance accessibility and connectivity along State Route 120 and Ferretti Road in downtown Groveland. It includes sidewalk repairs, new crosswalks, a multi-use pathway, and traffic calming measures. The buyer requires firms experienced with state and federal procedures for grant-funded projects.

Proposal Due


Providence, Rhode Island

Roof Restorations at Providence Schools

City of Providence

The buyer is seeking qualified contractors to perform roof restoration services at two Providence Public School locations: Delsesto Middle School and Classical High School. This project is part of the City of Providence's Capital Revolving Fund aimed at enhancing building systems and infrastructure. The work involves comprehensive roof renovations to maintain a safe learning environment free of leaks, water damage, and potential structural issues.

Proposal Due


Miami, Florida

Design-Build Services for Shorecrest Flood Mitigation Improvements

City of Miami

The buyer seeks a qualified Design-Build Firm to provide design and construction services for flood mitigation improvements in the Shorecrest area. The project includes installing a new stormwater pump station, drainage system, and water distribution system. It also involves road improvements, utility coordination, and landscaping. The buyer requires a team with extensive experience in similar public infrastructure projects.

Proposal Due


Poughkeepsie, New York

Hyde Park Regional Facility Upgrade Professional Design Services

Dutchess County Water and Wastewater Authority

The buyer seeks professional design services for upgrades to the Hyde Park Regional water treatment facility. The project includes filtration upgrades, unit process capacity re-rating, and backwash/residuals handling improvements. The selected firm will produce construction documents, obtain regulatory approvals, and provide design services during construction. The upgrades aim to increase plant capacity to a minimum of 3 MGD.

Proposal Due


Pittsburgh, PA

2025 Neighborhood Lead Service Line (LSLR) - Contract A (CM/CI)

Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority

The buyer is seeking Construction Management and Construction Inspection services for the 2025 Neighborhood Lead Service Line Replacement project. The project involves verifying service line materials, replacing lead service lines, and restoring disturbed areas. The project is federally funded by EPA and requires compliance with specific regulations and efforts to involve Disadvantaged Business Enterprises. PENNVEST funding requirements will apply to the project.

Proposal Due


Barre, Vermont

Railroad Engineering & Design Services 2025

Vermont Agency of Transportation

The buyer is seeking consultant services for railroad engineering and design. The scope includes developing railroad bridge, culvert, slope, crossing, Amtrak station, platform, and track projects. Services range from project definition through construction administration. The buyer intends to award multiple contracts for an initial two-year term with options to extend.

Proposal Due


Wappinger, New York

Wildwood Sewer District Improvements

Town of Wappinger

The buyer seeks professional engineering services for improvements to the Wildwood Wastewater Sewer District. The project involves upgrading the existing sewage collection system and wastewater treatment plant. The buyer requires assistance with design, construction oversight, and funding procurement. The selected consultant will prepare engineering reports, assist with grant applications, and provide various services throughout the project lifecycle.

Proposal Due


Lakeland, Florida

Continuing Contract for Water Utilities Pipeline, Pump Station/Treatment, Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR), and Other Services

City of Lakeland

The buyer is seeking to pre-qualify contractors for pipeline construction, pump station/treatment plant work, Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) services, and other water utility services. The contract will be for one year with four possible one-year extensions. Pre-qualified contractors will compete for work orders on various infrastructure projects as they become available. The buyer expects to qualify at least four utility contractors.

Proposal Due


Clayton, NY

Engineering Services for Wastewater Treatment Plant Disinfection System

Town of Clayton

The buyer is seeking qualified engineering firms to provide professional services for implementing a disinfection system at its wastewater treatment plant. The project serves the Hamlet of Depauville. Services required include design, bidding assistance, and construction observation. The buyer encourages Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises and Section 3 Firms to apply.

Proposal Due


Marine City, MI

Facility Condition Assessments Consulting Services

City of Marine City

The buyer is seeking proposals from qualified consulting firms to conduct facility condition assessments for all city-owned facilities. The assessment will cover 9 sites totaling approximately 46,695 square feet. The goal is to identify current facility conditions, maintenance needs, and future capital requirements. The buyer wants to understand the general condition of buildings, annual operational costs, and timing of future maintenance or replacements.

Proposal Due



Architectural Services for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program

Washington County

The buyer is seeking an architectural firm or individual architect to provide services for its Hazard Mitigation Grant Program application. The contract award is contingent upon FEMA funding. The selected firm must be qualified and licensed to provide design and inspection services for local, state, and federally funded projects. The buyer will evaluate qualifications based on project approach, timing, experience, quality of work, and capacity of performance.

Proposal Due


Raleigh, NC

Perry Health Sciences Campus - New Health Science Building and Deck

Wake Technical Community College

The buyer seeks construction materials testing and special inspection services for a new health sciences building and parking deck. The project includes a 3-story, 106,000 GSF classroom building with a simulated hospital and a 3-tier parking deck with 375 spaces. The buyer encourages participation by MWBE firms. The project will be delivered using the Design-Build method.

Proposal Due


Oceanside, CA

On-Call Technical Municipal Stormwater Compliance Consulting Services

City of Oceanside Water Utilities Department

The buyer seeks on-call stormwater inspection and technical services to comply with MS4 Permit requirements. The contract will be for an initial term of up to three years, with a possible extension to five years. Services include programmatic updates, regulatory support, inspections, and illicit discharge investigations. The buyer requires expertise in municipal stormwater compliance programs in the San Diego Region.

Proposal Due


Reed City, Michigan

Demolition of 410 West Upton Building

Osceola County Land Bank Authority

Buyer is requesting proposals for demolition and debris removal of the Annex Building at 410 West Upton in Reed City. The project includes hazardous materials abatement, building and site demolition, utility disconnections, and site restoration. Buyer intends to award a contract to the lowest, most qualified, and responsible bidder. The project is part of the buyer's State Land Bank Blight Elimination Grants program.

Proposal Due


Providence, Rhode Island

Engineering & Post-Design for Cathedral Square Pedestrian Plaza Improvements

City of Providence

The buyer seeks engineering and post-design services for pedestrian plaza improvements in Cathedral Square. The project includes conceptual design, engineering plans, permitting, construction observation, and post-design services. The consultant will coordinate with utilities and partner agencies throughout the process. The improvements aim to enhance pedestrian experience, safety, and connectivity in the area.

Proposal Due


Hammond, Louisiana

F.R.A. Track, Signal and Bridge Inspection

City of Hammond

The buyer seeks proposals for F.R.A. track, signal, and bridge inspection services. The scope includes inspecting 3 miles of track, 4 switches, and 3 bridges. The contractor will perform annual bridge inspections, create a bridge management program, and conduct regular signal inspections. The buyer requires qualified personnel with extensive railroad experience for these specialized services.

Proposal Due


Clayton, NY

Project Administration for Wastewater Treatment Plant Disinfection System

Town of Clayton

The buyer is seeking proposals for Project Administration services to oversee the implementation of a disinfection system at its wastewater treatment plant. The project specifically targets the plant serving the Hamlet of Depauville. The buyer requires professional services including contract administration for the project. The buyer encourages Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises and Section 3 Firms to apply.

Proposal Due


Otsego County, MI

Design Engineering and Full Construction Engineering for Two Roundabouts

Otsego County Road Commission

The buyer seeks design engineering and full construction engineering services for two roundabouts in Otsego County. The project involves designing the roundabouts, preparing construction documents, and providing construction engineering services including inspection, testing, staking, and project management. The work is to be completed between spring 2026 and winter 2027.

Proposal Due


Colorado Springs, Colorado

School Zone Flashers

City of Colorado Springs

The buyer is seeking fixed unit price proposals for school zone flashers. The contract will have a base year and four option years. The buyer requires offerors to provide detailed technical and management approaches, past performance information, and pricing. Proposals will be evaluated on technical merit, management capabilities, past performance, and price.

Proposal Due


Cattaraugus County, New York

Schematic Design, Design Development and Construction Documents for Stage Construction at the Onoville Marina Park

Cattaraugus County Department of Economic Development, Planning and Tourism

The buyer seeks professional services for the design and construction documentation of a performance stage at Onoville Marina Park. The project includes schematic design, design development, and construction documents for a low-profile stage with backstage access. The design must consider structural, water level, and weather-related issues. The buyer requires services in landscape architecture, architecture, engineering, and natural resource management.

Proposal Due


The Villages, Florida

Professional Water Resources, Utility Operations and Utility Engineering Program Manager

The Villages Special Districts

The buyer seeks professional services for water resources, utility operations, and utility engineering program management. The buyer requires ongoing support for water use permitting, utility operations oversight, construction engineering, and regulatory compliance. The contract will be for an initial term through September 30, 2035 with potential renewals. The selected firm will provide services on a task order basis as needed by the buyer.

Proposal Due


The Villages, Florida

Professional Traffic Engineering & Transportation Consulting Services

Villages Community Development Districts

The buyer is seeking professional traffic engineering and transportation consulting services on a continuing basis. Services include traffic studies, transportation planning, project management, construction plans, and coordination with community organizations. The contract will be for an initial 3-year term with an option to renew for an additional 3 years.

Proposal Due


Manteca, CA

Construction Management & Inspection Services for the WQCF Sludge Thickener and Dewatering Unit No. 3 Project

City of Manteca

The buyer is seeking construction management and inspection services for the WQCF Sludge Thickener and Dewatering Unit No. 3 Project. This project is part of the buyer's Capital Improvement Program (CIP No. 24006 & 24007). The selected consultant will be responsible for overseeing the construction process, conducting inspections, and ensuring compliance with project specifications. The project aims to improve the sludge handling capabilities of the Water Quality Control Facility.

Proposal Due


Lawrenceville, Georgia

Provide Aviation Demand Professional Services

Gwinnett County Airport Authority

The buyer is seeking a qualified consultant to provide aviation demand professional services on an annual contract basis. Services may include aviation planning, architectural/engineering services for airport development, special services, and grant management support. The contract will be for one year with four options to renew. Work will be procured on an as-needed basis with no minimum or maximum amount guaranteed.

Proposal Due


$500,000 per year, $2,500,000 total for 5 years
Monterey, California

On-Call Environmental and Civil Engineering Support Services

City of Monterey

The buyer seeks proposals for on-call environmental and civil engineering support services. The selected firm(s) will assist the Public Works Department with planning, design, and construction support for sewer and storm drain infrastructure projects. Key focus areas include Storm Drain Maintenance Program support, Sewer System Management Plan compliance, and NPDES permit requirements. The contract term is one year with four optional annual extensions.

Proposal Due


$2,500,000 - $5,000,000
Baltimore, Maryland

Life Skills and Re-Entry Center for Women (Baltimore Women's Pre-Release)

Maryland Department of General Services

The buyer is seeking architectural and engineering services for the design of a Life Skills and Re-Entry Center for Women in Baltimore. The project involves designing a justice/institutional/correctional use building with a focus on rehabilitation. The scope includes full design services from concept through construction documents, incorporating security, LEED, and various engineering disciplines. The contract duration is 7 years from design to construction, including 24 months of limited warranty participation after project completion.

Proposal Due


Ottawa County, MI

Eastmanville Farm Barn Feasibility Study

County of Ottawa

The buyer seeks a qualified architectural/engineering consultant for a feasibility study on renovating a historic barn at Eastmanville Farm park. The study will focus on converting the barn into an event space with catering kitchen and modern restrooms. The project includes structural analysis, site utility assessment, conceptual design, and cost estimating. The buyer aims to create a versatile space for parks events and public rentals.

Proposal Due


Orland Park, IL

94th Avenue and 159th Street Safety Improvements, Phase I Design Engineering

Village of Orland Park

The buyer is requesting proposals for Phase I Design Engineering Services for safety improvements at the intersection of 94th Avenue and 159th Street. The project will build on a previous traffic safety study completed in 2024. The buyer aims to address safety concerns at this intersection, which has historically had the most crashes in the Village. The scope includes analyzing crash data, developing improvement alternatives, performing capacity analysis, recommending countermeasures, and preparing cost estimates.

Proposal Due


Knoxville, Tennessee

Chapman Highway Improvements

City of Knoxville

The buyer seeks professional consultant engineering services for roadway and multimodal improvements on Chapman Highway. The project includes signal modification, lane width redistribution, median and access management improvements, and separated bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The work is federally funded by a FHWA Safe Streets for All grant. The project aims to promote safe travel for various modes.

Proposal Due


Durham, North Carolina

Engineering Services for a Course Bar Screen at Durham County Stirrup Iron Lift Station

Durham County

The buyer seeks engineering services to design and oversee the replacement of a comminutor with a coarse bar screen at the Stirrup Iron Lift Station. The project involves designing a Duperon bar screen and compactor system, administering the construction bid process, and overseeing construction. The lift station has a firm capacity of 7.49 MGD and a current average daily flow of 3.0 MGD. The buyer aims to improve debris removal and reduce maintenance costs through this upgrade.

Proposal Due


Rockport, Texas

Engineering Services for Aransas County Capital Projects

Aransas County

The buyer is seeking qualified firms to provide engineering services for capital projects. Services include civil, coastal, traffic, parks, structural, and mechanical/electrical/plumbing engineering. The contract will cover design of infrastructure like roads, water systems, drainage, and bridges. The selected firm will also conduct planning, surveying, inspection, and permitting tasks.

Proposal Due


Springfield, MA

Architectural/Engineering Professional Services 2025

Springfield Housing Authority

The buyer is seeking architectural and engineering professional services for a comprehensive modernization project. The project includes fire alarm system upgrades, exterior door replacement, window replacement, security camera installation, and bathroom tub and shower replacement. The work will be carried out at various Springfield Housing Authority locations in Springfield, MA. The buyer requires services including survey, design, bid document preparation, and construction administration.

Proposal Due


Eastvale, California

Schleisman Road Mobility, Safety and Connectivity Project

City of Eastvale

The buyer seeks proposals for professional design services for the Schleisman Road Mobility, Safety and Connectivity Project. The project involves designing an all-inclusive Class I trail/pathway on Schleisman Road between Hamner Avenue and Sumner Avenue. The buyer aims to enhance mobility, safety, and connectivity for the community, focusing on landscape architecture and urban design. The project will address the imbalance between vehicular and active transportation infrastructure.

Proposal Due


Topeka, Kansas

Professional Engineering Design Services for Shadywood West Neighborhood Project

City of Topeka

The buyer is requesting proposals for professional engineering services for the Shadywood West Neighborhood project. The project involves designing roadway improvements including asphalt mill and overlay, full-depth pavement replacement, and replacement of deteriorated curb and gutter, inlet tops, sidewalks and sidewalk ramps. The selected firm will provide engineering design and construction documents. Coordination with the City Utilities Department is required to investigate existing utility conditions and determine any needed improvements.

Proposal Due



ADA Transition Plan Assessment

The City

The buyer is seeking a vendor to assess existing sidewalks and curb ramps for ADA compliance. The project involves evaluating approximately 339 miles of sidewalk and 3862 curb ramp locations. The assessment will use Lidar, other technology, or manual measurements to collect data on accessibility issues. The vendor will provide a comprehensive report detailing violations, hazards, and other accessibility requirements. Data collection is planned for 2025, with final deliverables due in spring 2026.

Proposal Due



On-Call Services for Referee Testing of Field-Produced Asphaltic Concrete and Testing of Bituminous Materials

Arizona Department of Transportation

The buyer seeks consultants to provide on-call services for referee testing of field-produced asphaltic concrete and testing of bituminous materials statewide. The work involves testing samples to settle disputes between contractors and the Department regarding acceptance. The buyer may select up to four prime consultants to perform these services on an as-needed basis. The contract will be for one year with options to renew for three additional one-year extensions.

Proposal Due


Caldwell, Texas

Engineering/Architectural/Surveying Services for Downtown Revitalization/Main Street Program

City of Caldwell

Buyer seeks engineering/architectural/surveying services for a downtown revitalization project funded by the Texas Community Development Block Grant program. Services include preliminary studies, design, bid management, and construction oversight for infrastructure improvements to promote pedestrian-centered economic activity in the designated downtown district.

Proposal Due


$300,000 to $400,000
Auburn, Washington

2026 Local Streets Preservation

City of Auburn

The buyer is seeking professional services for the design, survey, geotechnical evaluation, environmental permitting, and construction support for the 2026 Local Streets Preservation project. The project involves reconstructing roadways and upgrading utilities across three project sites in Auburn. Improvements include roadway reconstruction, stormwater system upgrades, sewer and water utility replacements, and installation of new curbs and sidewalks.

Proposal Due


Homestead, Florida

Shotgun Property Redevelopment

City of Homestead

The buyer is seeking a qualified developer to purchase and redevelop a 3.65 acre parcel in Homestead, Florida. The project should include residential and potentially commercial components to revitalize the Southwest Neighborhood. The developer will be responsible for design, financing, construction, operations and maintenance. The buyer aims to create a transformative project that contributes to neighborhood revitalization while respecting current uses.

Proposal Due


Kissimmee, FL

GIS Utility Network Migration

Kissimmee Utility Authority

The buyer is seeking information to aid in developing an RFP for upgrading their GIS system from ESRI Geometric Network to ESRI Utility Network Model. This Request for Information (RFI) is intended to gather vendor feedback for the planned RFP, which is anticipated to be released in Summer 2025. The buyer aims to improve their utility management capabilities through this GIS system upgrade.

Proposal Due


Fresno, California

Architectural/Engineering Services

Fresno Unified School District

Buyer is soliciting qualifications for architectural and engineering services. Buyer aims to establish a five-year prequalified consultants list for future construction and maintenance projects. The selection process will be fair and competitive. Buyer is authorized to contract for various professional services including architecture, engineering, and construction management. The contract will be subject to the buyer's Board's approval.

Proposal Due


Balch Springs, Texas

Elam Road at Shepherd Lane Right Turn Lane Design

City of Balch Springs

The buyer is seeking a contractor to construct right-turn lane improvements at the intersection of Elam Road and Shepherd Lane. The project includes concrete pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalks, pedestrian ramps, and signal modifications. The work also involves traffic control, erosion control, and other related tasks. The project must be completed within 49 working days.

Proposal Due


The Villages, Florida

Professional Environmental Engineering & Consulting Services

The Villages Special Districts

The buyer is seeking professional environmental engineering and consulting services on a continuing basis. Services include preparation of construction documents, environmental assessments, water and sewer system planning, stormwater management, and wetland studies. The contract will be for an initial 3-year term with an option to renew for an additional 3 years.

Proposal Due


Mansfield Center, CT

Gigabit Capable Connection for E.O. Smith High School Vinton Campus

Regional School District 19

The buyer seeks a vendor to provide a gigabit capable connection for E.O. Smith High School Vinton Campus. The connection should enable WAN data network connectivity between the campus and the main district location. The buyer requires either lit fiber at gigabit speed or dark fiber for use with district equipment. The contract is initially for one year, with potential for multi-year options or extensions.

Proposal Due


Kansas City, Kansas

Structural Assessment and Feasibility Study for the Kansas City Kansas Public Library

Kansas City Kansas Public Schools

The buyer seeks a qualified architectural firm to conduct a structural assessment and feasibility study for the Kansas City Kansas Public Library. The study will evaluate the existing Main Library building, develop programming needs, and assess renovation options. The goal is to provide a comprehensive recommendation to the Board of Education for modernizing the library facility. The selected firm will analyze structural integrity, space utilization, and cost-effectiveness of various options.

Proposal Due


North Richland Hills, Texas

Professional Engineering Consultant Services for City of North Richland Hills Parks, Recreation, Facilities and Open Space Master Plan

City of North Richland Hills

The buyer is seeking qualifications from planning and engineering firms to develop a comprehensive Parks, Recreation, Facilities, and Open Space Master Plan. The project aims to create an actionable plan that will guide future development and improvement of the city's parks and recreation system. The selected consultant will be responsible for analyzing current offerings, engaging the community, and proposing strategies for enhancing parks, facilities, and open spaces.

Proposal Due


Knoxville, Tennessee

Professional Engineering Consultant Services for Powell High School Greenway

Knox County Procurement Division

Buyer seeks a professional engineering consultant to prepare plans and permits for a new greenway and pedestrian bridge serving the Powell High School area. The project extends from Powell Drive along Brickyard Road to W. Emory Road, connecting with existing pedestrian facilities. Work includes environmental documentation, engineering design, construction plans, permitting, and construction support. The project may be funded by a Transportation Alternatives Program Grant and must follow TDOT and NEPA standards.

Proposal Due


Norfolk, Virginia

Professional Material Testing and Geotechnical Engineering Services

Virginia Port Authority

The buyer seeks professional materials testing and geotechnical engineering services for multiple marine terminals and ports. Services include geotechnical engineering, quality assurance testing, and construction observations. The contract will be for one year with four one-year renewal options. Work will be assigned through task orders as needed.

Proposal Due


Broomfield, Colorado

Main Street and Miramonte Boulevard Traffic Signal Project

City and County of Broomfield

The buyer desires to add a traffic signal at the intersection of Main Street and Miramonte Boulevard. The project includes designing the signal, tie-ins to the existing fiber optic network, street lighting updates, and required signage/striping. The intersection is adjacent to Broomfield High School and meets peak hour traffic signal warrants. The design must include ADA compliant ramps and any other required installations.

Proposal Due


Lenexa, KS

Architectural Services - WaterOne Campus Improvements Phase II


The buyer seeks architectural design and construction phase services for campus improvements. The project involves converting a vacated warehouse to office space, modifying existing spaces, and modernizing facilities. The buyer requires schematic design, design development, construction documents, and assistance with bidding and construction phases. LEED certification concepts should be incorporated into the design.

Proposal Due


Fresno, California

Professional Services - Construction Related Consultants

Fresno Unified School District

The buyer is seeking to establish a five-year prequalified list of construction-related Professional Services Consultants. The list will cover 15 different specialty fields related to construction and maintenance projects. The buyer aims to select one or more firms for each specialty based on qualifications and demonstrated competence. The selected firms will be included in the buyer's pool of qualified consultants, subject to Board approval.

Proposal Due


Raleigh, North Carolina

Litter/Debris Removal and Recycling Services

North Carolina Department of Transportation

The buyer is seeking contractors to provide litter and debris removal services along highways in Vance and Warren Counties. The work includes collecting litter, recycling materials when possible, and properly disposing of waste. Contractors must follow safety procedures and complete work within specified timeframes. The contract period is for one year with possible extensions.

Proposal Due


Thorne Bay, Alaska

Wastewater Collection System Improvements Design

Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation

The buyer is seeking a contractor to design wastewater collection system improvements for Thorne Bay, Alaska. The project is based on recommendations from a June 2023 Technical Memorandum. The scope includes design, specification development, bidding assistance, and construction administration services.

Proposal Due


Burlingame, CA

Turnkey Services for the Design, Procurement, and Installation of Solar Panel Photovoltaic Cells Project

City of Burlingame

The buyer seeks proposals for turnkey services to design, procure, and install solar photovoltaic cells at three city-owned facilities. The project aims to lower energy dependence on non-renewable resources and reduce energy consumption costs. The buyer requires comprehensive services including engineering design, procurement, permitting, construction, and commissioning. The project must comply with PGE's Net Energy Metering 2.0 requirements and ECAA loan conditions.

Proposal Due


Crestwood, MO

Consultant Services for On-Call Civil Engineering: Grant Applications and Design

City of Crestwood

The buyer is seeking qualifications from engineering firms to provide on-call civil engineering services, including grant writing and design for various projects. The initial contract will be for three years with potential extensions. The consultant will apply for grants, conduct site analyses, prepare design documents, and manage construction projects. The buyer aims to improve sidewalk areas and other civil engineering-related projects in the city.

Proposal Due


Vineyard, Utah

Main Street Road and Sewer Repair Project

Vineyard City

The buyer is seeking proposals for a road and sewer repair project in Vineyard City, Utah. The project involves replacing sewer lines, repairing road surfaces, and replacing damaged curbs. Additional work may include soil stabilization, bypass pumping, traffic control, and quality assurance testing. The project location is specified in an attached map.

Proposal Due


Santa Ana, CA

Construction Manager at Risk for Terminal Grease Interceptor Replacement and Improvement Project

County of Orange OC Public Works

The buyer seeks a Construction Manager at Risk for the Terminal Grease Interceptor Replacement and Improvement Project at John Wayne Airport. The project involves replacing and relocating three grease interceptors, refurbishing two interceptors, and associated waste line work. The work must be performed without interrupting concessions operations in a busy, constrained environment. The buyer requires pre-construction and construction phase services with a negotiated Guaranteed Maximum Price.

Proposal Due


Middletown, CT

Arterial Corridor Safety Plan

City of Middletown

The buyer seeks consulting services to conduct corridor studies along four major arterial roadways in Middletown, CT. The project involves comprehensive safety assessments, traffic analyses, and development of improvement recommendations to enhance multi-modal transportation safety and accessibility. The buyer aims to create an action plan to eliminate serious accidents and better serve residents relying on non-auto-centric transportation. The study will result in a corridor master plan with short and long-term recommendations.

Proposal Due


Lakewood, Colorado

William F. Hayden Park Comprehensive Master Plan

City of Lakewood

Buyer seeks to prepare a Comprehensive Park Master Plan for William F. Hayden Park. The plan will develop a sustainable design for the future of the park, prioritizing stewardship and maintenance. It will utilize a resource-based inventory and planning process to develop a focused and strategic guiding document. The plan will identify and prioritize opportunities and challenges of operations, maintenance and management, and direct future park improvements, ecological restoration, and resource and recreation management.

Proposal Due


Wake Forest, NC

Skate Park Project

Town of Wake Forest

Buyer seeks qualified consultants to design, produce bid documents, and oversee construction of a skate park. The project includes designing amenities such as a paved pump track, restrooms, picnic shelter, basketball courts, and parking. Buyer requires public engagement, coordination with staff, and compliance with local ordinances. The selected firm will manage the entire project from design through completion by December 31, 2026.

Proposal Due


Oklahoma City, OK

Intranet and Internet Services and Other Related Services

City of Oklahoma City and Its Trusts

The buyer seeks proposals from Internet Service Providers and fiber-based carriers to provide high-speed connectivity for their Wide Area Network. The buyer requires internet connectivity, lit-fiber provisioning, dark fiber, and SIP transports. The project aims to enhance connectivity between the Internet and the City's network, including additional connection points and dedicated voice and data circuits.

Proposal Due


Atlanta, GA

Design/Build Services for the Fulton County Public Safety Training Center

Fulton County Government

The buyer is seeking qualified firms to provide Design-Build Services for the renovation and retrofit of a recently acquired building to accommodate the Fulton County Public Safety Training Center. The project involves a complete renovation of a two-story, approximately 34,500 GSF building. Services include design, construction, abatement, and post-construction activities. The buyer requires the project to achieve substantial completion within 290 calendar days.

Proposal Due


New Rochelle, New York

Development of Bid Documents for Drainage Improvements

City of New Rochelle

The buyer seeks professional engineering services for drainage improvements near 348 Pinebrook / 2 Briar / 420 Pinebrook. The project involves designing and developing bid documents for drainage upgrades based on a previous watershed study. The scope includes site-specific analysis, bid document preparation, and engineering support during construction. The goal is to alleviate flooding impacts in the specified areas.

Proposal Due


Rosemead, California

Citywide Lighting Master Plan

City of Rosemead

The buyer seeks a consultant to prepare a Citywide Lighting Master Plan. The consultant will assess the city's lighting network, identify deficiencies, develop standards, and create an operation and maintenance plan. The project aims to improve public safety and optimize lighting system management. The master plan will serve as a framework for implementing multi-year Capital Improvement Projects for citywide street lighting.

Proposal Due


Princeton, Indiana

Gibson County Board of Commissioners Countywide Bridge Inspection and Inventory Program

Gibson County Board of Commissioners

The buyer seeks professional services for a Countywide Bridge Inspection and Inventory Program. This program covers inspection of all highway bridges in Gibson County, including those within cities and towns, except for State highway, Federal Land, and privately owned bridges. The project spans from 2026 to 2029 and includes various types of inspections such as routine, NSTM, underwater, and special inspections. The buyer requires the selected firm to comply with National Bridge Inspection Standards and manage the project across four phases.

Proposal Due


Margate, Florida

Design Build Continuing Services

City of Margate

The buyer is seeking to establish a pool of prequalified design-build teams for ongoing contract services supporting the Department of Environmental and Engineering Services. Selected firms will provide comprehensive design and construction services for utility infrastructure, water and wastewater facilities, stormwater management, and related civil engineering projects. The contract has an initial two-year term with potential extensions up to six years total.

Proposal Due


Columbus, Ohio

Roadway Material Testing and Inspection 2025

City of Columbus

The buyer is seeking professional services for roadway material testing and inspection. The project involves construction inspection services and materials testing for City of Columbus projects. The selected consultant will be required to attend a scope meeting and meet MBE/WBE participation goals. The buyer will evaluate proposals based on location, relevant experience, past performance, project understanding, and ability to perform expeditiously.

Proposal Due


Derby, Kansas

Woodlawn Blvd. Reconstruction

City of Derby

The buyer seeks engineering services for the reconstruction of Woodlawn Blvd. from Winding Lane St. to 55th St. The project involves improving the road to urban standards with curb and gutter, stormwater sewer, and sidewalk on the east side. The buyer requires a consultant to assess existing conditions, provide recommendations, and complete all necessary design documents for the study.

Proposal Due


Summerville, SC

Construction Manager at Risk Services for Summerville Public Safety Complex

Town of Summerville

Buyer is seeking a Construction Manager at Risk for a new Public Safety Complex. The project includes a 93,000 square foot building and a 209-space parking deck. The facility will house Police Headquarters, 911 center, Fire Department Headquarters, and Municipal Court. The work will be conducted in two phases: preconstruction services and construction management services. Buyer requires firms with experience in similar projects, CM@R delivery methods, and local presence.

Proposal Due


San Antonio, Texas

SAWS District Cooling System Growth Planning

San Antonio Water System

The buyer is seeking consulting services to develop a growth plan for its District Cooling System. The consultant will focus on both technical and business development components for building new district cooling infrastructure. Key areas of focus include Project Marvel, Western Downtown San Antonio, and potentially a third site. The consultant will identify potential customers, perform feasibility analyses, and develop cost estimates and staffing plans. The work will result in a comprehensive final report summarizing all analyses and recommendations.

Proposal Due


$1.75 million
Charlottesville, VA

Biscuit Run Park Maintenance Building - Design Build

County of Albemarle

The buyer seeks to construct a maintenance building at Biscuit Run Park. The project includes designing and building a 3,000 square foot facility with two work bays, offices, and other spaces. It also requires installing a gravel entry road, fenced yard, and utilities. The buyer requires the contractor to obtain necessary permits and approvals.

Proposal Due


Raleigh, North Carolina

On-Call Professional Engineering Services Master Service Agreements

City of Raleigh

The buyer is seeking qualified firms to provide on-call professional engineering services. Services include project management, planning, environmental assessments, civil engineering design, permitting, construction administration, inspections, and materials testing. The contracts will be for three years with anticipated construction costs up to $3 million per project. The buyer aims to secure multiple master agreements with firms to provide these services as needed.

Proposal Due


Newport, OR

W. Olive ADA and Street Improvements

City of Newport

The buyer is seeking proposals for W. Olive ADA and street improvements in Newport, Oregon. The project includes pavement rehabilitation, ADA ramp improvements, sidewalk and driveway replacements, and storm sewer upgrades. The buyer requires engineering services for survey, design, public outreach, bidding assistance, and construction administration. The improvements aim to enhance pedestrian safety and vehicular travel in the Nye Beach neighborhood.

Proposal Due


Baltimore, Maryland

Architectural/Engineering Services for Historic St. Mary's City Fort to 400 Boutique Hotel and Conference Center

Maryland Stadium Authority

Buyer seeks architectural/engineering services for preliminary design of a boutique hotel and conference center in Historic St. Mary's City, MD. The project supports the Fort to 400 initiative. Buyer requires preliminary design, site planning, impact analyses, scheduling, and cost estimating services. The selected firm will work closely with the project team to analyze overall project viability.

Proposal Due


Allentown, PA

Lehigh County Jail Intercom & Paging Systems Upgrades

Lehigh County

The buyer seeks to upgrade the intercom and paging systems at the Lehigh County Jail. The project involves replacing existing headend equipment while testing and reusing field devices. The contractor must integrate with the existing Controls System and install new cabling as needed. Assistance from the Owner's existing Controls Systems Contractor is required. The project aims to modernize communications infrastructure within the jail facility.

Proposal Due


Red River County, Texas

Airport Layout Plan and Planning Services for J. D. Trissell Field Airport

Texas Department of Transportation

Buyer seeks professional services for airport planning at J. D. Trissell Field Airport in Red River County. The project includes preparing an Airport Layout Plan, incorporating FAA requirements, developing a Capital Improvement Plan, and establishing goals for airport improvements. The buyer requires consideration of emerging technologies and development of airport protection measures. The project aims to enhance the airport's facilities and ensure compliance with federal regulations.

Proposal Due


Denton, TX

GIS Software for Design and Management of Electric Infrastructure

City of Denton

The buyer is seeking a GIS solution for electric utilities that leverages ESRI's ArcGIS Utility Network platform. The system must provide comprehensive tools for managing and visualizing electrical infrastructure data within a map-centric interface. Key requirements include mobile and web applications, graphical work design tools, data management, visualization, analysis, and integration with existing systems. The project must be completed within 12 months of award.

Proposal Due


Camden County, New Jersey

Construction Management/Construction Inspection Services for Evesham Road Roadway Improvements

Camden County Department of Public Works

The buyer is seeking proposals for construction management and inspection services for roadway improvements on Evesham Road in Camden County, New Jersey. The project covers a 1.07-mile stretch from West Clements Bridge Road to Schubert Avenue. The work will take place in the Borough of Runnemede and Township of Gloucester. The buyer intends to award this contract in accordance with an agreement between the New Jersey Department of Transportation and Camden County.

Proposal Due


Eastvale, CA

WRCRWA Bioreactor Modeling and Diffuser Grid Additions/Modifications

Western Riverside County Regional Wastewater Authority

The buyer seeks a qualified firm to perform design services for Bioreactor Modeling and Diffuser Grid Additions/Modifications. The work involves reviewing existing facility designs, developing a model for Bioreactor 1, and determining how to increase toxic volume. Additional services may include providing plans for modifications and assisting with bidding and construction. The project aims to improve the aerobic treatment process in the wastewater treatment plant.

Proposal Due


Miami, Florida

Robert King High Park Infrastructure Improvements - Phase 1

City of Miami

The buyer seeks qualified landscape architecture firms to provide design services for Robert King High Park Infrastructure Improvements - Phase 1. The project aims to enhance the park facility with various amenities to promote community recreation, wellness, and outdoor activities. Services include comprehensive planning, design, permitting, and construction administration. The successful proposer will develop a design criteria package for elements such as parking, restrooms, kayak facilities, sports fields, and nature areas.

Proposal Due


Incline Village, NV

Materials Testing and Inspection Services

Incline Village General Improvement District

The buyer seeks materials testing and technical inspection services for its Effluent Export Pipeline Replacement Project. The selected firm will provide construction inspection and materials testing services to ensure compliance with project requirements. Work includes monitoring site safety, tracking schedules and changes, and conducting QA/QC. Services are needed 24/7 during construction from May to November 2025.

Proposal Due


Topeka, Kansas

Asset Inventory Street Imagery and Data Collection

City of Topeka

The buyer seeks proposals for a street-level right-of-way imagery and LiDAR collection project, along with asset extraction and inventory services. The project covers approximately 1,600 lane miles of streets and 92 miles of alleyways. The buyer aims to acquire street-level imagery and LiDAR data to identify, measure, and analyze assets. The project includes asset extraction services to support the buyer's data portfolio management plan, asset management program, and data inventory efforts.

Proposal Due


Bryant, Arkansas

Comprehensive Street Maintenance and Widening Plan

City of Bryant

The buyer is seeking qualified professional firms to conduct a phased comprehensive street maintenance and widening plan. The project involves assessing current street conditions, analyzing future growth impact, and providing recommendations for maintenance, reconstruction, widening, and drainage needs. The buyer requires schematic designs, cost estimates, and funding recommendations. The study will also include stakeholder engagement and ensure regulatory compliance.

Proposal Due


Durango, Colorado

Replacement of a Nine Mile Raw Water Line

City of Durango

The buyer is seeking engineering and design services for the replacement of a nine-mile raw water pipeline. The buyer requires a statement of interest and qualifications from interested firms. The project involves designing a replacement for the existing pipeline and working closely with the buyer to develop the project scope and fee. The buyer will shortlist a minimum of three firms for presentations and rank them for final selection.

Proposal Due


$300,000 for Port of Tacoma and $300,000 for Northwest Seaport Alliance
Tacoma, WA

On-Call Architectural Services 2025

Port of Tacoma

The buyer is soliciting qualifications from firms to provide on-call architectural services. The contract will be for two years with an option to extend for up to two additional years. Services may include building condition assessments, cost estimates, constructability reviews, and preparation of plans and specifications. The buyer will select two qualified vendors for the contract.

Proposal Due


Crescent City, CA

Del Norte Regional Drainage Study and Capital Improvement Plan

County of Del Norte

The buyer seeks to conduct a regional drainage study and develop a capital improvement plan for Del Norte County. The project involves comprehensive data collection, hydrology and hydraulics analysis, and infrastructure planning for the entire county-maintained road system. The buyer aims to identify vulnerabilities and prioritize resilient drainage infrastructure projects to address climate change impacts. Public engagement and advisory committee input will inform the planning process.

Proposal Due


Albany, NY

Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) and TSMO Control Software Project Management Support QA/QC

New York State Department of Transportation

The buyer seeks consultants to assist with the modernization of Transportation Systems Management and Operations (TSMO) software throughout New York State. The project involves two separate contracts: one for TSMO software modernization and another for project management support and QA/QC. The buyer aims to improve traffic management and operations across the state using advanced software solutions. The contracts have a base term of five years with potential extensions.

Proposal Due


Manchester, NH

Professional Consulting Services for Improvements to Raise Lake Massabesic Spill Elevation by 1-Foot

Manchester Water Works

Buyer is seeking proposals for professional engineering services to design and prepare construction documents to raise the Lake Massabesic spill elevation by 1-foot. The project includes modifying the dam, spillway, dikes and appurtenant structures. Key tasks involve surveys, evaluations, analyses, design work, permitting, and construction phase services. The goal is to increase water storage capacity by about 1 billion gallons for municipal water supply.

Proposal Due


$16,000,000.00 ($4,000,000.00 per contract)
Denver, Colorado

Western Slope Non-Project Specific Survey & Right-of-Way Services

Colorado Department of Transportation

The buyer is seeking up to four consultants to provide non-project specific land surveying and right-of-way services for the Western Slope region. Services include surveying, right-of-way plan preparation, photogrammetry, LiDAR, and title work. The contract duration is five years. The buyer requires consultants to have specific qualifications and use CDOT-approved software and procedures.

Proposal Due


Marion, Virginia

Water & Sewer Facilities SCADA System Design-Build Project

Smyth County

The buyer is seeking qualified firms to provide design-build services for a new Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) System. This system will monitor various water and sewer system components throughout Smyth County. The project aims to improve the efficiency and management of the county's water and sewer facilities. Interested firms are required to submit Statements of Qualifications/Proposals for the project.

Proposal Due


Loveland, Colorado

On-Call Cost Estimating Services for City of Loveland Capital Projects

City of Loveland

The buyer is seeking firms to provide third party, independent cost estimating services for various capital improvement projects. Services include preparing milestone cost estimates, bid evaluation, cost-benefit analyses, value engineering, and claims analyses. The buyer intends to pre-qualify a short list of firms to provide services as needed for up to five years using indefinite delivery contracts.

Proposal Due


San Marcos, TX

Transportation Master Plan Update

City of San Marcos

The buyer is seeking qualified firms to update their Transportation Master Plan. The project involves analyzing current transportation systems, developing strategies for improvements, and creating an implementation plan. The buyer requires a comprehensive approach that incorporates public engagement, sustainability, and future mobility trends.

Proposal Due


Dover, Delaware

Statewide Construction Inspection Services

Delaware Department Of Transportation

The buyer is seeking proposals for statewide construction inspection services. The buyer requires various levels of construction and maintenance inspection services on an as-needed basis. Projects may include inspections of paving, drainage, structures, and other highway and bridge construction activities. The buyer expects to award up to five agreements from this solicitation.

Proposal Due


Salida, Colorado

Engineering Design Services for the Mesa Water Tank Project

City of Salida

The buyer is seeking engineering design services for a new municipal water tank project. The project involves site design, tank sizing, geotechnical investigation, and development of bid documents for a 1 million gallon welded steel water tank. The new tank will be located adjacent to an existing tank and will connect to the existing water main. The buyer requires the consultant to manage the project, coordinate with tank manufacturers, and prepare necessary permits and design documents.

Proposal Due


$14 Million
Orlando, Florida

Construction Manager at Risk for Lake Nona Reclaimed Water Storage and High Service Pump Facility Project

City of Orlando

The buyer requests proposals for Construction Manager at Risk services for the Lake Nona Reclaimed Water Storage and High Service Pump Facility Project. The project includes constructing a reclaimed water storage and repump facility on a 3-acre parcel. It will serve the Eastern Regional Reclaimed Water Distribution System and include a 24-inch transmission pipe.

Proposal Due


Lockport, New York

Brownfield Grant Services for Niagara County Department of Economic Development

Niagara County Department of Management & Budget

The buyer seeks to contract with a qualified environmental consulting and/or planning firm to implement tasks associated with a USEPA Brownfields Coalition Assessment Grant. The project aims to revitalize depressed neighborhoods and quantify unknown environmental conditions in four targeted areas of Niagara County. Services include community engagement, site characterization assistance, and reuse planning activities.